
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I suppose it's time for another post.

I notice Xul has been commenting a bit on a few peoples' blogs lately and this has inspired me to update mine. I was also much encouraged by Cheshire Cat's request for more entries in the comments thread on my first post. Indeed it moved me to tears.

I often get so depressed that I am unable to move for days at a time, so you can well imagine I find it hard to muster the energy to undertake such an endeavour. It's taken me three and a half hours just to get this far. But if there is any chance it may bring some small pleasure to others, I am more than happy to comply.

I know the pain of a life entirely devoid of pleasure.

Not a lot has been happening in my tiny underground bunker, but the neuroblogosphere seems to be jumping again after a fairly sluggish period. And my sources (well, my source) informs me that things are hotting up behind the scenes as well.

What else? I have been deriving no small amount of amusement from the devastatingly arch and icequeenly blog stylings of Def. This young woman seems to have a uniquely bleak and bitter outlook - not to mention a strong streak of cruelty, which is always good. I was delighted to hear that she has completed her university term, and saddened to witness her apparent caffeine-related death.

I think about her often. Indeed, although I know it is vain and foolish, I sometimes fantasise about her coming to visit me.

Since I know full well that this will never happen (no one ever visits me - I'm not even sure there's any way for people to get in anymore.. I certainly can't get out) I see no harm in these pleasant daydreams. Or night dreams.

Day, night. It's all the same down here.


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